Monday, January 12, 2009


each day i have a "routine" so to speak, well minus wed, thurs, sun, seeing as i do not work those days anymore. but on days i have work i have specific routines, take a shower the night before, sleep, get up and turn on my straightener (remember not o forget about it :/), do my makeup, do my hair, get dressed and get read to leave, come home, wash face, remove makeup, shower, sleep and then it begins again, and each night before i go to bed i set my alarm and calculate the time i will need to complete this list of things, considering when i have work. so my alarm goes off in the morning, often early on the days i do not work til after one, like today, so i can have time to just relax before going through my duties to get ready. everyday it seems though that i push back what i have to do further and further each day, giving myself less and less time to complete what i have to do before i have to leave. some days i really need all the time i give myself, but that doesn't stop me from procrastinating and getting distracted with something or another, but each day the same thing happens, and i always procrastinate. why is this? i know the time i need to get ready, i know what i need to do before i leave, but i always push myself to the last second, hmmm. so, lesson learned today, give myself extra extra time, since i know i will procrastinate anyways. smart plan, so now i am off to shower and squeeze in everything i can before i have to leave. ready, go.

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