Monday, January 19, 2009

the past resurfaces

as much as you may run from your past and the people in it, you can never run forever, i was reminded of this today. i often find myself avoiding people from my past, because it was not as great as my present is, and i figure if i interact with some of those people from my past my life may turn once again, and become something that is less than it is today, which is something i can honestly say i fear. but every once in a while, no matter how much you dread, or fear, or try to avoid people and situations, they always come up. old feelings re-surface, and memories return that you may have tried to forget, good or bad. lesson learned for today, you can't avoid something forever, eventually it will come around and you will have to deal.

1 comment:

  1. hey girlie, try to learn to be proud that you made it through that past. Not everyone gets through it -- and not everyone gets through it as beautifully and graciously as you have. Stand proud.
    Robin P
