Saturday, February 20, 2010


i spent a good amount of time tonight/this morning thinking, contemplating and realizing the sort of "denial" I've been living in, and i have found myself re-centering my focuses, my way of thinking, my attitude and my life for the most part. I've realized tonight that you cannot change the past, and i know that's an obvious realization, but even though we all know its impossible to go back in time, i think everyone spends a good part of their weeks, or at least a portion of it, wondering "what if", or wanting to change something or another. I've been clinging to what my life used to be like, and the person i was then but tonight it really hit hard, that i'm a different person now then i was six months ago, and my life is immensely different then it has been in years, and i need to embrace that. i have a good life here, not that it wasn't good before, its just different. i actually enjoy my job now (with the small exception of certain customers), and i'm good at it; i have family here that i get to see now that i didn't before, and things are going in a good direction, but lately instead of enjoying my success here I've found myself in a bit of a funk, missing back "home" more so than normal and questioning my decision to leave. but while evaluating what's happened in the last six months, i realized that i need to stop doubting and just trust that things are going to work out. so i'm letting go of the past and i am going to start enjoying my life now, instead of living in question of my decision. this is my fresh start and i'm going to make the most of it

1 comment:

  1. i love you and i am so happy that you are finding yourself!!
